
Engaging in Regional Advocacy in Africa


Short summary

IPPF ARO will support organisations to gain a good understanding of the workings as well as structure of Regional Economic Communities(RECS),  the African Union Commission (AUC), the African Commission on Human and People’s Rights (ACHPR) and the United Nations  Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) to help young SRHR advocates to grasp a better understanding of regional SRHR advocacy mechanisms in Africa and how they can use them to their advantage in advocating for SRHR. 

What capacity strengthening support can we provide on this topic? 

IPPFAR will support partners to understand the regional human rights and accountability mechanisms  and explore opportunities for engagement with these mechanisms through involvement in preparing State reports.  In strengthening engagement with the RECs, IPPFAR will orient youth advocates on the regional score cards for national and regional advocacy.  

Furthermore, the most common platforms for regional level advocacy  on the Continent are normally facilitated through key regional meetings and campaigns around the Maputo Protocol and SDGs. CSOs seize the opportunities created by these meetings to push their SRHR agenda beyond national level and also to grow their networks by interacting with like-minded CSOs thus complementing efforts. 

What could the CS look like? 

  • Training, mentoring, coaching and hands on support to CSOs on regional advocacy
  • Dialogues facilitated by IPPF AR/trained young people
  • Experiential learning by attending regional advocacy events/meetings related to regional processes 

What tools are available? 

  • Being developed: 
    • Summary of regional advocacy platforms and events and how young people can leverage these platforms for SRHR advocacy: (Annual, biennial, triennial)
      •  The African Girls’ Summit
      • The ARFSD - and how this process ties to the VNRs and HLPF
      • NEAPACOH
    • Guides on how to engage decision-makers at regional level and engage RECs;
      • Understanding regional frameworks on SRHR
      • Overview of  AU, RECs and ECA 
      • Regional  Human Rights Accountability Mechanisms -  State and shadow reporting to the ACHPR
      • Working with RECs- Use of regional SRH score cards

What languages can this CS support be provided in? 

English with possibility of translating to French

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