
Collect Data Insights on Youth SRHR

RNW Media

Short summary 

In today’s rapidly changing society, it is crucial to be aware and responsive to your audience’s needs. Social media platforms are increasingly becoming a space for (young) people to express their needs, interests, opinions, behaviour, and aspirations.  

These insights on youth needs can be used to optimise your strategy and content, it can help you determine the objective of your online and offline campaigns, and can be shared with a broader audience, for example with other media organisations to amplify youth voices or with policy makers as part of your advocacy activities. 

What capacity strengthening support can we provide on this topic?  

RNW Media has experience with successfully employing a wide range of data tracking and collection methods, such as: surveys, web and social media analytics & social listening. We also aim to share valuable insights regarding responsible data collection as well as effective data presentation.  

Our approach enables you to: 

  • Develop an online strategy to collect, analyse and respond to youth needs  
  • Develop successful survey (instrument/tool), including guidance on question design and wording and ways to encourage young people to fill it in  
  • Collect, analyse, and use data for advocacy, campaigning and strategy 
  • Use social listening to understand what people are talking about online  
  • Communicate and present data insights 

What could the CS look like?  

  • We provide dedicated coaching sessions with our data analysis specialists 
  • Access to our e-learning component on data collection, with learning material on various collection methods and visualisation tools 

What tools are available?  

  • E-learning component on our Online Learning Academy with learning content, case studies & practical templates 

What languages can this CS support be provided in?  


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