
Build Your Digital SRHR Community

RNW Media

Short summary 

Digital communities can provide you with the ability to implement SRHR programmes online; share online sexuality education, raise awareness and increase engagement by reaching a larger and more diverse group of young people. They also enable you to run digital campaigns as well as access the intelligence of many for purposes of advocacy. With over 10 years of experience in building SRHR digital communities across the world, we are excited to share our expertise and best practices in online sexuality education with other organisations.  

What capacity strengthening support can we provide on this topic?  

Our aim is to introduce you to the best practices on digital interventions and online sexuality education by highlighting insightful case studies from our network and beyond. We explore ways to key into your audience, the advantages, and disadvantages of various digital channels, as well as the roles you need to design and maintain a successful and sustainable digital community.  

Our approach enables you to: 

  • Come up with relevant digital solutions, following a design thinking methodology 
  • Define your target audience and investigate your audience’s needs via user research & persona creation 
  • Create a digital channel strategy considering audience, goals, capacity, competitors & risks 
  • Build and support an inclusive team with the necessary skills to accomplish your objectives 

What could the CS look like?  

  • We facilitate an interactive 3-day training (4 hrs/day in person, blended or online), accompanied by an e-learning component  
  • Depending on your specific goals, we can provide: digital skills training, technical assistance on site design or tailored coaching for operating on your chosen platforms.  

What tools are available?  

  • E-learning component on our Online Learning Academy with learning content, case studies & practical templates 
  • Minimum viable team job description table 

What languages can this CS support be provided in?  

English and French 


Preferably, your team would have done a digital country context analysis during the baseline process. If not, please request for a support on a “light version” of the digital country context analysis before taking on this capacity strengthening offer. 

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